Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas, everybody!

What better to signal another Christmas gone by than with a mild 60 degree Sunday in New Jersey. Yuck. Where's the frosty air?
Anyway, Christmas was fun. We got to see most of our immediate family and friends in the last week and exchanged many presents. One present that Tom has been getting a lot of use out of is NBA Live 09 that John gave me. He's been playing it way too much the last few days. Friday, Saturday and Sunday have been all about relaxing for a large portion of the day. We also have a lot of nifty gift cards that are now burning a hole in the wallet, so to speak.
Can't wait till New Year's when we entertain the married couple-in-training and a few other friends for a very chill and laid-back celebration of the ending of '08.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

We got our tree!

Buying a Christmas tree is like planting the flag, declaring that Christmas season is finally arrived and our apartment is now claimed by its mystic power. This is our first official, married Christmas tree. The tree was relieved that it is now legitimate.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election '08 : A little bit of B & E, inventive use of an iPod touch

Tom reports after a long 14-hour day at the polls.
"As you may know, I am a Monmouth County board member for local and general elections in Aberdeen. The job entails getting to the polling place at 5:15 AM, setting up the voting machines and allowing as many registered voters to cast their ballots on election day. Today was a special day that really had me excited to get up at 4:30 in the morning. I have been anticipating this day for quite some time and all the hype is finally going to be relieved.
I performed a little breaking and entering before the polls opened. We were locked out of the polling place in the pre-dawn pitch dark. The woman who knew the code to open the EMS building door was not showing up today. A worker from the Fire House came over and tried to help to no avail. We found a window that was open and he jimmied the screen with a screwdriver. I squeezed my fat ass in the window and opened the door from the inside.
We had about ten minutes before the first group of voters started to line up outside. It was utterly impressive that we were able to get such a huge turnout for the election. To give you a guideline, the highest national average for voter turnout in 100 years was 66% back in 1908. My district had 74% of total eligible voters cast their vote today. The crowds were mostly dense in the morning before 9am. We expected the evening commute crowd to be overwhelming as well, but it never materialized quite as we expected. It seems as if everyone was very eager to cast their vote in this election and did not want to leave it to chance to wait after work. It was very encouraging to see that so many people were motivated to participate in the democratic process. We saw black, white, young, old, pregnant, disabled, enabled and people from all walks of life. We are used to seeing more elderly people more than anything, but that was hardly the case this time.
On another note, I was able to use my iPod touch for good during my work day at the polls. Oftentimes, voters come to our polling place without knowing what district they belong to, or where they were supposed to vote in the first place. Generally, the people I worked with are experienced enough to know the local area, but for the ones that really stumped us, I broke out my Safari browser on the iPod and found some free wi-fi that I tapped into and surfed on the web to find the correct polling location for the wayward voter. Since I am the youngest board member, by far, I could safely say that no other board member thought of that idea. These old folks hardly know how to use cellphones, let alone an iPod touch.
My final thought is that I really hope that the outcome of this election brings about real change that was promised. My personal choice aside, I would like for all of us to unite and work hard toward building a better America and putting the last eight years behind us in the history books."

Tom Out.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Bash 2008

'Twas a scream of a time.
The second annual Oddo Halloween celebration went off magnificently. It was scary good. Sam, Amanda, Steve and I dressed up as the Flinstones, taking couples costumes to the next level. Other notable costumes: Tony Romo, Jessica Simpson, Spartan warrior and his Spartan queen, pimp and Satan Hugh Hefner. There were several others, and I apologize if I missed you, but I don't have the time nor the memory to serve me. We played beer pong, flip cup and Rock Band while imbibing on numerous spirits.
Big props to Nelson and his awesome cauldron of jungle juice. Real fruit from Wegmans adds a true sense of class. Major thanks to everyone for coming and having a blast. Couldn't have done it without you. Great times. For more pictures, check out my facebook profile.
The MVP of the night was Jobby, who, after his entire flip-cup team was decimated down to a 5-on-1, came back to beat our squad, at the cost of his own stomach. His prize was a face-to-face meeting with my toilet bowl.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Coheeed and Cambria : Neverender Show in NYC

Samantha, Jimmy, Bee and I witnessed a once-in-a-lifetime rock event with one of our favorite bands this weekend. Coheed and Cambria are doing a rare feat of rock strength and it all started in New York this week. On Wednesday, they started the "Neverender" tour which is billed as "4 Nights. 4 Albums. Live in Concert." Each night, they played an album in complete sequential order. We saw night #1 and #4, which, in album terms, is Second Stage Turbine Blade and No World for Tomorrow.
Usually, most bands will have a set list that is rehearsed and perfected to bring out on tour. 
Coheed defy the impossible by performing EVERY song that they put into their albums. On the first album, they have a secret song called "I, Robot" that is way, way at the end of the disk and you ev
en have to listen to some dead air just to find it. I'll admit it wasn't one of my favorites and I actually had recently left it off my iPod. The live version was many times better than the album ver
sion, hands down. Word is that they will be producing a box set with all four nights on DVD and CD. Getting it!
The ticket price is kind of steep ($30 + fees) for only an hour and a half of rocking. Taking into consideration the train and subway tickets, we paid a pretty penny to go see these guys, but I can vouch that it was well worth it. Samantha had a good time as well. She got a bit annoyed with the crowd of sweaty people always bumping into you, but who doesn't? The wacky-backy smoking and sitting on the floor was very unnecessary. Sam loved it when the drummer threw his sticks out into the crowd after the show ended. Looking forward to the Halloween Party!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

The $700B Bailout, Paying for the Sins of Others

Two months before this history-making downturn in our nation's economy, Samantha and I were having dinner at the Red Oak with my parents and my Aunt, who works in commercial real estate. 
We were talking the possibilities of owning a house in the near future. Market prices were in decline and we had just gotten hitched just a month ago. Starting prices of a decent house (with property) in Jersey can run you from a third of a million dollars and up. At the moment, the standard mortgage will require a 20% down payment, which means we would have to somehow put up around $30,000 just to get started in the house.
My Aunt provides an alternative: there are loans, especially for first-time buyers that offer a very low down payment, somewhere in the tune of 3%-5% down. Of course, the catch being you pay much more for the house in the long run, given the higher interest and the larger principal. We ultimately came to the conclusion that it was smarter to wait it out until the prices finally bottomed, giving us some time to save up for that big down payment.
My story illustrates the point that has caused this current financial crisis. Irresponsible lending to irresponsible people. Risky investments were taken by the banks. People who could not afford a house were given one under unethical pretenses and ended up defaulting. So who is really at fault? And does anyone deserve a "bailout" or a life line? Do you give a mulligan to people for making bad decisions on both sides of the fence?
Honestly, I don't think anyone deserves any bailout for these bad investments. The lenders were unethical in their sub-prime lending. The folks taking out the mortgages should have taken some due diligence in fully understanding their financial commitment. Not to say I am paranoid that everyone is out to screw you, but how can you deny the proof in this hole that we've dug for ourselves? People were swindled and now ALL of us are paying for the fleecing. If no one is willing to take the responsibility, we all suffer.
By the way, I am looking to cash in on the profits of all the companies that we bail out once they gain their footing. Why? Well, we're absorbing their losses, aren't we? If we're going towards a socialist economy, lets all bask in the glow of the windfall profits of oil companies. Wouldn't that be grand?

Monday, September 15, 2008

"Stay at Home" Week, TV Shows

We were out one night with a group of friends, at Houlihans, I believe. In the group, there was a couple that we had met for the first time. Normally, I'm not the type for small talk. All of the "what do you do," "what are you into," "ain't the weather nice" chat really seems too trite for me to even bring up without a little piece of me dying inside. What's nice about socializing in the group atmosphere is that you're kept talking until everyone can get on the same page and find a common topic to converse about.
That night, it happened to be that a certain TV show was up for discussion. Then, we started talking about "our shows." A couple, married or otherwise, ends up having a set of TV shows that are watched on a regular basis. I think it my have even replaced the need to have "our song," like in the days of yesteryear. Since this is prime time for new TV season premieres, I have decided to post a list of the shows that me and Samantha are looking forward to watching in the upcoming months.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hanna's rain and "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"

We had a lazy Saturday in, keeping ourselves dry from the rains of tropical storm Hanna that moved up the Atlantic coast today. I thought it was going to be a bit more windy, but it is still early in the hurricane season. Anyway, Sam and I had to catch up on our "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" episodes, courtesy of We had a family day in with the dog, because he hates bad weather even more than we do. We also watched the movie Charlie Bartlett after patronizing our local Blockbuster for one of their enticing 3 for $20 DVD sales. Movie was OK, but you can't beat "It's Always Sunny..." 

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wedding Programs

We are in the middle of the printing process for the wedding programs. I just wanted to mention that in the section that explains "Our Story," I drop a URL in at the end for people to check out this website. "That's so 2008," I remarked. Everything now comes with a hyperlink in the Web 2.0 era of the internet. Its the way of life. I will eventually put up video of Samantha's bridal shower and my bachelor party.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Tom's Bachelor Party

So, I had no clue where we were going up until the night before we left. All Jim told me was to take off Friday, pack a bag and bring my passport. We woke up at the ass-crack of dawn on May 30th. A nine hour bus ride later and we were in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Bought some duty free liquor, went bar hopping off of St. Catherine's, gambled at the Casino Montreal and even did a little partying in the hotel room. I could not have asked for any more in a bachelor party to get me prepared for my big wedding day a month later.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Samantha's Bridal Shower

I know this is a very, very delayed post, but here, finally, is Samantha's Bridal Shower highlight film. I'm finally catching up to put everything on the blog!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Creation of a Blog

Samantha Josephine Oddo (will be on June 27th)
Thomas John Oddo
Date Apollo Oddo (dog)
more to add at a later date...