Monday, September 15, 2008

"Stay at Home" Week, TV Shows

We were out one night with a group of friends, at Houlihans, I believe. In the group, there was a couple that we had met for the first time. Normally, I'm not the type for small talk. All of the "what do you do," "what are you into," "ain't the weather nice" chat really seems too trite for me to even bring up without a little piece of me dying inside. What's nice about socializing in the group atmosphere is that you're kept talking until everyone can get on the same page and find a common topic to converse about.
That night, it happened to be that a certain TV show was up for discussion. Then, we started talking about "our shows." A couple, married or otherwise, ends up having a set of TV shows that are watched on a regular basis. I think it my have even replaced the need to have "our song," like in the days of yesteryear. Since this is prime time for new TV season premieres, I have decided to post a list of the shows that me and Samantha are looking forward to watching in the upcoming months.

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